Our fly fishing friends in France are really getting after Catch Magazine.
Halfway through Issue #9's sixty day cycle, the country of France has recorded over 3,000 visits from 288 cities. We want to thank all our French friends and all of Europe for their fantastic support.

Thanks to you
Of course, France being nuber ONE fly fishing nation in the world... most titled world champs team and most difficult trouts to hook !!!
Our folks just lack being able to speak english !!!
Give it time, and catch mag will be a must amongst french anglers !!!
I already forwarded the link to my whole fly fishing network !!! Being a guide and casting instructor, that means a lot of contacts !!!
Cheers, ank keep the art on !!!
You also have to know that the quality of the french fishing medias is a real shame !!!
Catch Magazine and several others e-zines should be an example here.
Hope you will soon find some french contributor, for the whole world to see what France has to offer ! even if it's less "glamour" than a lot of others destinations you can have some great fun here also !! and great pictures to !
I'm okay with François for the quality of french fishing medias,but why not a movie about Frenchs flyfishing spots on Catch Magazine ?
For to have an idea, go to some websites: www.pechealamouche48.com
I'm okay with François for the quality of french fishing medias,but why not a movie about Frenchs flyfishing spots on Catch Magazine ?
For to have an idea, go to some websites: www.pechealamouche48.com
hey all
I just thought it would be good to introduce myself to everyone!
Can't wait to start some good conversations!
Thanks again!
François, please don't diss on french medias...check www.lemouching.com we have 16000 visits/month !
Catch mag, we've been supporting you since day one and you are great inspiration for us !!! Keep it up !!
Tight lines
Le Mouching.
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